Maya - Defeats

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”


Kathryn is an advocate and life coach for the victims/survivors/thrivers of gender violence and sexual assault for more than 2-3 decades. Besides being a survivor herself, she possesses a Criminal Justice Degree and Paralegal Certificate. She has dedicated her life to changing lives and has volunteered for 5 years as a CASA advocate, 3 years as a Guardian Ad Litem, 5 years as a Family Eldercare Advocate, 5 years a Victim's Advocate in a police setting and Sexual Asssault Victim Advocate, 8 years in crisis advocate hotlines, etc. Writing books has been her side passion while she volunteers as a radio show host for survivors to tell their own story in their own words. A life journey is one that is created not entirely based upon what has defined you in the past, but what you do to reframe your past experiences such that you can move forward with some guidance and some tools to live your life feeling great worthiness and an active role model in today's society. With some emotional support and guidance, Kathryn believes in coaching others to help heal towards a newer self.

For additional information see:


2013 Woman of the Year for Economic Empowerment (YWCA)


Relational Module (Healthy Relationships, Healthy Communication, Healthy Conflict Resolution) of the MANDT SYSTEM (2013, SafePlace)

1 comment:

  1. It's official! My first book is now available on Amazon...

    It's very exciting to have the first book out on Amazon, after many years of debating to myself just how I was going to approach the subject matter. Then, one day, I just had a v-8 moment and realized that this is absolutely the best way to approach it. I suspect that in 3 years, I will have a more elaborate 2nd edition out; however, right now I'm focused on another book that I am putting together -- hopefully, out sometime between May and December 2014.

    In the meantime, if you would like to get a glimpse into the choices I have been making over the course of my advocacy work, feel free to purchase this book to get that insight.
