Maya - Defeats

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

Call to Actions

I'm not one to sit still for long. I love to be involved and as such I am the type of person that will jump in to a variety of projects to help other advocatea and activists. Of course, I can't do it all so I choose carefully which ones that I will be involved with.

One of the upcoming events is the #stand4freedom that is an event sponsored by the International Justice Mission, with a mission to stand "one day for their every day." It's designed to spark more awareness to end slavery. For much more information about the events being held aross the nation, see -- and feel free to donate $10 while you are there to help the cause.

I'm going to have a show on my radio show on April 9th, 2014. This is the event page put together to promote seeking guest speakers on the open mic day --

Come and join us on April 9, 2014, as we take a #stand4freedom (freedom to end gender violence, slavery, etc.). We are going to be the radio show behind the event and we encourage all folks to join in to be a part of the show -- sharing your voice on why you support efforts to end gender violence, slavery, etc.

Come be a part of the efforts! Be one of my many guests on the show!

How will you be a part of taking a stand for freedom?

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