When Kambiz Shabankare, the director, approached me with the idea of the show he was doing, Cafe Cinema, I didn't hesitate to jump in with feet first and say, "Yes". I didn't even get all the details at the time... all I knew for certain was the premise behind it -- taking international films, reviewing them for their social justice impact, and share it on the tv show with hopes of creating more social justic dialogues. We completed the filming of Season 1 in Fall of 2013, and it aired on Channel Austin's Channel 16 beginning January 2014. Channel Austin offered (1) the venue, (2) the ability to reach Central Texans via the on air show through a 5-county region surrounding Austin, Texas, (3) online streaming so those that weren't in Central Texas could also simultaneously view the shows that covered a wide range of topics (domestic violence, child abuse, bullying, LGBT, Intersexual, Human Trafficking, Refugee, and Organ Trafficking for this season alone). I had a blast stepping out of my comfort zone (from behind a radio dashboard and the laptops that I write on and interact with many survivors) and truly hope that I get the opportunity to do Season 2 when the director and producer are ready to go to productions for Season 2.
This is the complete information about the show on IMBD (a resource that many go to for details about movies, shows, etc.)
Channel Austin's Cable 16 direct streaming link (the show is airing on Saturdays in the Winter/Spring of 2014 at 10pm CST)
If you miss the airing, you can always view the shows directly on Cafe Cinema's website --
Most of the videos are also posted on - YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/cafecinema16/about
You can also like our show by going to --
FACEBOOK -- http://facebook.com/CafeCinema16
We all worked hard to create dialogues about social justice issues that aren't just happening here in the Austin coomunity or our United States Nation, but throughout the global community as well. Hope you enjoy the episodes! Be sure to let me know what you think. Do you have any ideas for other topics that we should be covering as well?
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